About us

We are an independent consulting company located in Budapest, Hungary.
We work for the success of our customers. Honestly, creatively, high level.

Our clients said


Most people would have given up because of the external difficulties, but this team has provided their best performance under high pressure. They have not lost sight of the goal and they brought the situation to the maximum, which resulted in a high-quality product in a tense situation. Without them, it would not succeed.

Gábor Zsámboki
Vice Chairman, CEO, ANY Security Printing Plc

Our mission

Situations occur in each company’s life where the daily routine is not fit to solve specific problems. We believe that these can be handled the most effective way by independent external consultants. We would like to be a reliable, loyal partner of our clients in this.

Our approach

We always look for the real needs of the client and respond to these. We search for the best team that suits to solve the exact need. Thus, the client receives a tailor-made solution for his specific problem or task.

Together, it is easier

We work as a team, but we respect, we even value that the team made up of individuals. We believe in the strength of helping and supportive atmosphere both within our team and on the client relationships. Because we know that we can thereby create value the most effectively.

Our clients and partners

ANY Security Printing, Doctusoft, Carussel, GP Business Associates, Mortoff